This is the outline of a powerful battery charger and efficient Ni-MH IC LT4060 from Linear Technologies. In addition to the Ni-MH Nickel-cadmium can also be gained by slightly modifying the load circuit.For Ni-Cd CHEM connect pin (pin12) of the IC + Vcc.Here circuit is configured to load 2 connected cells in series. By altering the connections and SEL1 pins SEL0 up to 4 batteries in series can be charged with this circuit.
To load a single cell, are connected and SEL1 pin to GND SEL0. For filling two cells connected to GND and Vcc SEL0 SEL1. For filling three cells, connected to VCC and SEL0 SEL1 to GND. For filling 4 cells, and SEL1 pins SEL0 connect to VCC. The circuit also has the charging temperature NTC thermistor based qualification.An connected to the NTC pin (pin11) of the IC operates as the temperature sensor.